Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Celebrations

At the Malmstrom Christmas party, our little nephew, Cole was all over the place. He wasn’t really all that hungry, just curious so he crawled around under the table exploring everyone’s feet and trying to grab at the Santa hats that many people were wearing. I blame this on Sam because he first taunted Cole with the idea.

The theme this year was How the Grinch Stole Christmas. We got to dress up in our pajamas and for those that wanted to could come dressed up for the “Who” contest. The Grinch came into the party and handing out coal and disheartening letters to the tables. He also took bites of their desserts and drank out of a few cups. I didn’t want him touching my brownie, so I covered it and hid it from view. Sam thought I was pretty silly, but I didn’t care.

After the food was all eaten and we were all full, the Grinch invited the children up on the stage as he read them the story of how he stole Christmas, he had changed a few details from the original and added some of the names from actual family members (Sam & I included).

As the party was ending and the cleanup was starting my sister, Marietta and Julie wanted to get some pictures because all girls in the family had matching pjs. I think they turned out pretty good.

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